AlRayan Research and Innovation Centre- Fund Application (ARIC-FA)
Applicant details
Family name
First name
Area of expertise
Load (weekly teaching hours)
Fund details
Date of submission
Research field
Amount requested (if applicable)
Fund provider- source (if applicable)
Project title
Project summary
Principal investigator (PI)
Family name
First name
Co-Principal investigator (Co-PI)
Family name
First name
Co-Principal investigator (Co-PI)
Family name
First name
List of additional Co-PI, if found
Order of authorship by family name
Current progress (if any)
- Including what has been accomplished, and what remains to be done to achieve the research aim
Broad Outline of Research plan and methods
- In approximately half of one A4 page, explain how you will carry out the proposed research activity and provide a brief timeline for its completion.
Expected outcomes (potential contribution to knowledge and practice)
- In approximately half of one A4 page, explain the expected outcomes of this research activity
Alignment with Key research themes and Saudi vision 2030:
How does your application align with vision 2030. (
Applicant’s history of funding in Saudi Arabia
Have you previously received support from ROD or any other Saudi sources?
If yes, have you received approval? Attach evidence
Is this your only application this year? List other sources briefly:
Budget details
List all expenses involved in your project
Justification of the Budget
Does your research require human or animal ethical or biosafety approval?
If approval has been obtained, please provide the reference number